To Seal or to Reseal? That is the Question

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging | Posted in , , , | Posted on 8:56 AM

There are two types of businessmen out there – those who seal and those who reseal.

Doesn’t matter to which group you belong, the sealers or resealers, there are two bags that you should know about: resealable tape closure bags and permanent tape closure bags.

Both types of self-sealing bags are ideal for storage, but just for different materials. The resealable bags are great for storing foods, apparel bags, and other easily accessible products.


The permanent tape bags are meant for one-time use and include secure adhesion tape that cannot be opened without compromising the integrity of the bags themselves. These poly bags are ideal for use as mailers, return envelopes, or deposit bags.

permanent tape bags

The best part about these bags, is that they are as gorgeous as they are functional. Each can be designed with up to 10 vivid colors in the design scheme of your choice. Further, you can choose different tints or opaque colors for the bags themselves, giving your company a totally unique product that is a selling point in and of itself.

You can place an order for tape closure poly bags by phone or email. You can also get a quick and easy online quote directly on the website as well. All you need to do is visit