Are You A Small Retail Store? Are You Interested In Branding Your Name On Clear Poly Bags?

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging | Posted in , | Posted on 8:13 AM

If you own a small retail store such as a candy store, grocery store or clothing store, you could be branding your name right now and you don't even know it! If you have thought about this, maybe you have been hesitant in doing so because you aren't sure how it will affect your business. I can tell you by doing some simple research online you are going to find that clear poly bags are clearly the way to go when it comes to branding and promoting your business name.

It doesn't matter how big or how small you are, every little effort helps you on becoming the business you really want to be. You don't have to spend millions of dollars a year on advertising your business the conventional way through television, radio or newspapers. Instead, you can take a product such as clear poly bags, or poly bag packaging, completely customize the bag, and allow it to brand your name for you. These bags and packaging options are incredibly cost efficient and could bring back profits threefold!

We can customize the bags so that they include your business colors (or any colors for that matter), slogan, business name, logos, etc. You can also choose from various sizes and functions as well. For example, if you are a grocery store you could consider using a clear or semi-clear poly bag that has handles (easy to carry for your customers!), and your slogan and logo on the bag (both sides or one side).

This means for every single customer that comes into your store they are ultimately taking OUT that bag and advertising it for you! Not only is this going to get you more business money wise, but it's also going to bring awareness to your store and your name as well. Awareness is everything! If people don't know you exist, no one is ever going to come into your store!